Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Clay Creations by Cherrie

My mom is probably the MOST TALENTED person I know... At the age of 17 she started sewing. I'm not talking about simple alterations or hemming skirts... I'm talking about prom dresses, wedding dresses, pageant dresses, the works... and she's great at it! However, about a year and a half ago, she found another thing that she's even better in!! At the Bridal Expo in January of 2007, she discovered DecoClay and has been hooked ever since... She recently launched CLAY CREATIONS BY CHERRIE with the help of yours truly. Each flower is makes is done by hand and it's amazing how life-like each petal is... Check our some of her beautiful creations:

Building a New Portfolio

I design invitations for a (part-time) living... I love it!! There's nothing more satisfying that creating the perfect invitation... However, one really frustrating part is creating a design portfolio... I must have gone through four different portfolio changes and nothings has made me happy... and last night, I started on yet another portfolio. This time I'm using an album made by the wonderful MARTHA STEWART. Now this album is HUGE!! I'm talking about 18"x18" baby... and it weighs a ton and a half!! I'm hoping that I'll be satisfied with this one... Any suggestions on what other albums I should try?

I'm BACK!!!

Yes, it is true... back to blogging! Okay, I admit, I never really did get that into it... don't get me wrong, I LOVE READING BLOGS, I'm just not that great at writing them=) I can spend hours and hours reading other blogs, but when it comes does to me writing... nope, sorry... can't do it! So, here is my attempt to try it all again!! Wish me luck!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

The Perfect Mix

I know that wedding CD favors have been done one too many times, but when you get the perfect mix of BEAUTIFUL engagement photos and an awesome playlist, it never hurts to make the CD... that's the case for one of the favors I'm currently working on. My couple - Chris and Marylen have a bunch of really, really nice engagement photos, thanks to Kai Photo... wow, that guy Kyler has got talent! very impressive... but Chris and Marylen went a step further in my book and picked the best of the best songs... WHEN I LOOK INTO YOUR EYES by Firehouse... ha, can you find a more perfect song than that? I know that I might be a little biased because my wedding song was also by Firehouse, but hey... talk about good taste! Well, I'm here spending my friday night finishing off the CDs for next week....

so, what do you guys think? does the layout look like a CD you'd play in your car??

Thursday, April 19, 2007

She Loved It!!!

I mostly design invitations for local Hawaii brides. It's so much easier that way since I have a chance to meet them in person and they get to see the actual proofs before printing... However, this super sweet bride, Ketsana lives all the way in New Jersey... She's originally from Hawaii, but she lives in NJ with her hubby... I've had the pleasure to meet her in person when she was here for the January Bridal Expo and she got to see live samples of my work... but, it was challenging for me knowing that she didn't get to see the actual proofs... she just saw the digital proofs... Well, she finally received her invitations yesterday and she LOVED them!!! This makes me really happy and more confident that I can provide invitations beyond the local market!! Woohoo!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Crane Media Rocks!

Okay, I know that as a wedding coordinator I shouldn't be biased about my recommendations... I know that the best videographer for a bride is one that will fulfill her needs... the only case where I say otherwise is Crane Media. I will recommend 100% of the time! Run by James Chun, Crane Media Productions produces the best wedding highlight videos ever!!! His sense of good taste is what makes his videos so good. It makes the Bride and Groom true "stars" on their wedding day. I'm fortunate enough to know James and his family and I can only say good things about them!

Check out the video he did for our wedding:

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

L&L2 Wedding!!

I know that I'm supposed to blogging about "real life" weddings, but I am a General Hospital fan first and foremost. I have been since I was 11! So, growing up I watched Lucky (son of the infamous Luke & Laura) and Liz Webber fall in love through the hardest of times... I always rooted for Lucky & Liz and despite what many "Liason" fans think, L&L2 are meant to be together. I thought that their love coming to an end because all the pain that they caused each other. But surprise surprise... they're getting married again. I didn't realize how much I loved watching the two of them together until this past week. If you watch the soap, you'll see how in love they really are with one another. Over the past years GH has forgotten about much of its past history, but with Lucky & Liz they still hold on.

Courtesy of Princessalicia

Blogging Newbie...

I'm love to read blogs! I love to read about new things, new interests, new everything from everyone else... It's the best way to see and read the thoughts of others. Everything from wedding blogs to craft blogs to sports blogs... I read it and i love it... I however am not a writer, so taking on this new venture of blogging is going to be quite challenging for me. Which brings me to just that... me...

Up until last year everyone knew me as Cristina Cruz... or Cris to keeps things short. But, now I go by my married name... Cristina Hanzawa. Yes, I'm a newlywed... which is partly one of the catalyst in me writing these blogs... No, i'm not going to chronicle daily life as a wife, but rather blog about wedding and event planning in general. Yes, I didn't get enough out of planning my own wedding that I actually ventured out to plan them for others. That's how my company - Bliss Design Studio came to be... I have planned sooo many events that I finally decided to step out and make it "official". Although Bliss Design Studio offers coordination, my specialty is invitations! I love designing them! I love making them! And I love it even more when others love them too!!